This is tested on a TX53-8030 which came with version Ka-Ro 2010-01-06 - built 09:51:04, Feb 8 2012. First, repartition the NAND: fis init -f fis create -s 0 -l 0x00400000 -b 0x70108000 -r 0x70108000 -e 0x70108000 linux fis create -s 0 -l 0x07b20000 -b 0x70100000 rootfs Then, configure RedBoot: fconfig Run script at boot: true Boot script: fis load linux exec -w 1 -c "ubi.mtd=2 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rw console=ttymxc0,115200 consoleblank=0 logo.nologo tx53_base=stkv3 video=VGA-1:640x480MR-32@60 panic=1" >> Boot script timeout (10ms resolution): 1 Use BOOTP for network configuration: true Default server IP address: <-- your tftp server's IP address Console baud rate: 115200 Set FEC network hardware address [MAC]: true FEC network hardware address [MAC]: [press enter] GDB connection port: 9000 Force console for special debug messages: false Network debug at boot time: false automatic boot partition selection: false Update RedBoot non-volatile configuration - continue (y/n)? y reset CTRL-C Now, and whenever you receive an update, flash the kernel and rootfs: load -r -b 0x70100000 zImage fis create linux load -r -b 0x70100000 rootfs.ubi fis create rootfs reset ########################################## # building the rootfs image with imagetool ########################################## Extract custom-tx53-java.tar.bz2 >>> custom-tx53-java Put tx53.conf and gpe-demo-extended.conf in ~/.mucross/ Start imagetool. File->open, select tx53-accutime-java.prj Make sure that Target Device is "tx53" and Image Type "is gpe-demo-extended". Go to the "Custom" tab. Make sure "Include Customisation Directory" is ticked. Select custom-tx53-java as the custom directory. Create Filesystem.