
Sustainable development

Our aim is to achieve sustainable and independent developments without any outdated ties to individual companies. As a customer, you should be able to continue development independently at a later date or to rectify errors independently of the manufacturer of the software concerned. Only this independence creates lasting satisfaction and offers you the security of being able to support a product in the long term.
The consistent use of open source software plays an important role here and also offers enormous potential. Of course, this does not mean that you have to disclose your own software – but this is precisely the area in which we are well versed.


Experience the freedom of not tying your projects to individual software manufacturers.

Open sources

Experience the possibility of checking and modifying every single software source used and having any inadequacies rectified at any time – yourself or by a service provider of your choice!

Large community

Get to know the strongest sides of the open source community – is there a problem? Usually someone has already found a solution…

Ole Reinhardt, Managing Director

Our recipe for success is our enthusiasm for our customers’ ideas.
And we will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have. Talk to us!

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Open source projects